Hotel Ducale
Via Triestina, 5 - 30173 Favaro Veneto (Ve)
Hotel Ducale
Via Triestina, 5 - 30173 Favaro Veneto (Ve)

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¿Cuántos son?
Habitación Individual No Reembolsable
Habitación Individual
Habitación Doble Economy No Reembolsable
Habitación Doble Economy
Habitación Doble No Reembolsable
Habitación Doble
Habitación Triple No Reembolsable
Habitación Triple
Habitación Cuadrupla No Reembolsable
Habitación Cuadrupla
Adultos y niños mayores de 3 años
Niños hasta 3 años
Horário de llegada al hotel
Precio estipulado para el total de la estancia
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We accept
Credit card number
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
Name as written on the card
Please note that data submitted by you shall be processed using electronic means in compliance with the principles set forth in applicable data privacy laws and regulations (EU Regulation n. 679, 2016), solely for the purpose of providing you with the information requested, and potentially for placing/confirming your booking of room(s) and other services/amenities. The complete privacy policy on processing methods and purposes is available at the following link.
If you are interested in receiving our newsletter / periodic updates on special rates and promotions (to be sent to an address supplied by you), you must provide explicit consent to the same. You may at any time thereafter revoke such consent, as noted in the policy.
Sí, he leído y acepto la política de cancelación, los términos y condiciones
Sí, he leído y acepto el aviso de privacidad cumpliendo el Reglamento Europeo GDPR 679/2016
I authorise the mailing of newsletters and periodic notices on special rates/promotions to the address I have supplied
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